

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Vacation days 3 and 4

So on our 3rd day of vacation we attended the Palmyra temple in the morning.  It was such a beautiful temple, but I failed to get any pictures of it.  Then in the afternoon we hung out in the small town of Palmyra, New York.  Here is Mark and his dad, David, after we enjoyed lunch together before a tour began.  
The is the building that the first Book of Mormon was published in.  
 Here is a picture of all the different languages the Book of Mormon is now written in and the order in which they were produced.
 Here is  picture of some of the printing equipment that was used to publish the Book of Mormon.  What a task that must have been.  Someone had to take the hand written manuscript and pull letters from the cases and put them together to form words, which would then form sentences, then for a page, etc.  Lots of man hours.  
 Here is a picture of one of the first Book of Mormon's published.
After seeing that, we went to the Peter Whitmer farm, which is where a good portion of the Book of Mormon was translated.  It was also on this farm that meetings were help.  I LOVED this part of the tour, however left the camera on the bus and didn't get any pictures.  Today there is a beautiful church building next to the house.  The Spirit in the Whitmer house was so strong.  The missionary asked those that would recite some missionary saying (I have to ask mark what it is called) to do so and wow...chills went through my body.
Day 4 we left Palmyra and headed to Buffalo, New York to see Niagra Falls.  We went on the Maid of the Mist, which is a boat that takes you between the falls on the American side and the Canadian side.  We had to wear poncho's to keep from getting soaked.  It was so beautiful!

The boat we were on.

 After that, we headed to Kirtland, Ohio, which was a few hours away.  Once we arrived in Ohio we went to this landing, which is where many Mormons got off the river and joined others from New York to Kirtland.  We were lucky enough to go up the lighthouse and check out the view.

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