

Friday, May 10, 2013


Last weekend we signed Chase up for a "fishing derby".  This allowed us to take him fishing, got him lunch and then he was entered for prizes.  Sounded like fun, we we headed over to the Caldwell river and threw in our pole.  It was 4 hours, but we didn't think Chase would last that long.  Needless to say, we were there all four hours and he loved the bubbles they were giving away.  He wasn't too sure about the fish we caught, but he had fun trying to cast and relaxing in the sun, eating snacks...everything fishing is about.  We went home and cooked our little fish for dinner and Chase thought is was yummy.  He tells the girls how good that fish tasted even a week later :)

 Yes, our little man is terrified of the fish at first.  He never wanted to touch him, but he was terrified of the worms and didn't touch them either.  

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