Kacey turned 15 years old on May 24, 2013. Happy Birthday, Kacey!!
Welcome to our world. At times it may run smoothly and other times...maybe not so much, but we are a family. Mark and I were married on May 17, 2008. Together we make up a family of 8...Caleb (20), Kacey (17), Cassandra (15), Madeline (12), Reyna (11)and Chase (5). Hopefully this blog will give you a closer look at our daily lives...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
I was sent this writing. It came from an officer's wife in Arizona, whose husband was killed on duty. I read it and lots of it touched a special place in my heart. I am so proud of the work Mark does as a policeman, but there is danger for him. I just wanted to share.
When an officer dies, the question is always, "did you know him?" (Like somehow it can diminish the pain of a fallen officer if you had never met them). As a spouse of a police officer, I get that as well -with an added "did you know his wife?"
My response? Yes. I know her.
I know that she finds herself alone a lot. I know she spends a lot of time explaining to family members, friends, and coworkers why her officer husband is not with her. I know when someone asks what her husband does - she may have an alternative answer like "he works for the city (county or state) or "he's a trash collector," yet someone in the room always clarifies - he's a cop.
I know she probably has an alias on her social media profiles in case a suspect decides to find their arresting officers family. I know she's proud of him and wants to put LE stickers on her car, but won't because she's worried about getting runoff the road or targeted. I know she looks into every police car she pulls up next to. I know when he speaks to her in number code, she answers him in English.
I know she cringes every time she hears the words "officer involved," and hates the words "routine traffic stop." I know she spends a lot of time defending her husband’s career choice and sometimes realizes her silence is necessary. I know the justice system frustrates her, yet she relies on it anyway. I know people feel it necessary to tell her of every contact they've had with law enforcement - especially if it was bad, yet never seem to remember to tell her when they saw one doing something nice.
I know she sleeps alone a lot, spends her birthdays, anniversary and her children's birthdays wishing he were there. I know "date nights" on Wednesday are better than a Saturday every single time. And I know when on that date, he will have to sit facing the door.
I know when they do get a chance to go out, she'll let him drive so she does not have to hear about her "escape route" or recite portions of the traffic code. I know that he'll always recognize someone somewhere that he's arrested. I know they probably have a "code word" that means grab the kids and head the other way... I’ll meet you at the car.
I know when her children are little they are proud of their super hero. And as they grow into teenagers, they no longer offer what their dad does in dear that it will make them unpopular. I know high schools boys don't want to date cops daughters.
I know she'll find things in her washer that most people don't have in their home - from blue gloves to bullets - and thinks nothing of it. I know she's picked a handcuff key out of the dryer more than once. I know she has learned to ignore the smell of his vest in July and buys Febreeze by the gallon. I knew her biggest load of laundry is black (or tan or blue). And they're usually washed separately to make sure that any biohazard he's come in contact with doesn’t end up on the baby's clothes.
I know she wants him to eat better, but knows a "good day" for him means more than one trip to QT. I know she buys Tupperware by the case to store leftovers in hoping he'll eat a "real" meal when he gets home. I know she's watched him age, his hair gray and the sunspots show up on his left arm and neck.
I know she's had a hard time scheduling vacations because shift change is coming. I know that when one of his brothers is hurt - his vacation time will probably get donated to him anyhow. I know when it's his regular day off he will probably still get called into court - even if he worked all night.
I know that a text message with two words - I'm okay - is like a sonnet or love song to most... Especially when we see "breaking news" flash on our TV.
I know that her favorite sounds are the garage door and the sound of Velcro. He made it home safely. And I know she can tell by the sounds of his boots on the floor whether or not to ask how his day was.
And I know that even though she knew his job had a risk, and officers are dying in the line of duty - she never TRULY believed it would happen to hers.
Do I know her? Yes. Have I met her? No.
But when I do - you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
When an officer dies, the question is always, "did you know him?" (Like somehow it can diminish the pain of a fallen officer if you had never met them). As a spouse of a police officer, I get that as well -with an added "did you know his wife?"
My response? Yes. I know her.
I know that she finds herself alone a lot. I know she spends a lot of time explaining to family members, friends, and coworkers why her officer husband is not with her. I know when someone asks what her husband does - she may have an alternative answer like "he works for the city (county or state) or "he's a trash collector," yet someone in the room always clarifies - he's a cop.
I know she probably has an alias on her social media profiles in case a suspect decides to find their arresting officers family. I know she's proud of him and wants to put LE stickers on her car, but won't because she's worried about getting runoff the road or targeted. I know she looks into every police car she pulls up next to. I know when he speaks to her in number code, she answers him in English.
I know she cringes every time she hears the words "officer involved," and hates the words "routine traffic stop." I know she spends a lot of time defending her husband’s career choice and sometimes realizes her silence is necessary. I know the justice system frustrates her, yet she relies on it anyway. I know people feel it necessary to tell her of every contact they've had with law enforcement - especially if it was bad, yet never seem to remember to tell her when they saw one doing something nice.
I know she sleeps alone a lot, spends her birthdays, anniversary and her children's birthdays wishing he were there. I know "date nights" on Wednesday are better than a Saturday every single time. And I know when on that date, he will have to sit facing the door.
I know when they do get a chance to go out, she'll let him drive so she does not have to hear about her "escape route" or recite portions of the traffic code. I know that he'll always recognize someone somewhere that he's arrested. I know they probably have a "code word" that means grab the kids and head the other way... I’ll meet you at the car.
I know when her children are little they are proud of their super hero. And as they grow into teenagers, they no longer offer what their dad does in dear that it will make them unpopular. I know high schools boys don't want to date cops daughters.
I know she'll find things in her washer that most people don't have in their home - from blue gloves to bullets - and thinks nothing of it. I know she's picked a handcuff key out of the dryer more than once. I know she has learned to ignore the smell of his vest in July and buys Febreeze by the gallon. I knew her biggest load of laundry is black (or tan or blue). And they're usually washed separately to make sure that any biohazard he's come in contact with doesn’t end up on the baby's clothes.
I know she wants him to eat better, but knows a "good day" for him means more than one trip to QT. I know she buys Tupperware by the case to store leftovers in hoping he'll eat a "real" meal when he gets home. I know she's watched him age, his hair gray and the sunspots show up on his left arm and neck.
I know she's had a hard time scheduling vacations because shift change is coming. I know that when one of his brothers is hurt - his vacation time will probably get donated to him anyhow. I know when it's his regular day off he will probably still get called into court - even if he worked all night.
I know that a text message with two words - I'm okay - is like a sonnet or love song to most... Especially when we see "breaking news" flash on our TV.
I know that her favorite sounds are the garage door and the sound of Velcro. He made it home safely. And I know she can tell by the sounds of his boots on the floor whether or not to ask how his day was.
And I know that even though she knew his job had a risk, and officers are dying in the line of duty - she never TRULY believed it would happen to hers.
Do I know her? Yes. Have I met her? No.
But when I do - you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
5 years
5 years ago on May 17, 2008 I married my best friend. We dated for 6 weeks before we got engaged, then 6 weeks later we were married. I knew from day 1 that Mark was the man I was going to marry and he obviously had the same feelings. That was the best decision of my life. I can't believe it has been 5 years already...i look forward to many, many more!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Last weekend we signed Chase up for a "fishing derby". This allowed us to take him fishing, got him lunch and then he was entered for prizes. Sounded like fun, we we headed over to the Caldwell river and threw in our pole. It was 4 hours, but we didn't think Chase would last that long. Needless to say, we were there all four hours and he loved the bubbles they were giving away. He wasn't too sure about the fish we caught, but he had fun trying to cast and relaxing in the sun, eating snacks...everything fishing is about. We went home and cooked our little fish for dinner and Chase thought is was yummy. He tells the girls how good that fish tasted even a week later :)
Yes, our little man is terrified of the fish at first. He never wanted to touch him, but he was terrified of the worms and didn't touch them either.
happy birthday...to me
On May 8, I was spoiled for my birthday. I turned 37 years old and awoke to breakfast in bed, the house decorated, cake, presents and singing. Then once at work flowers and balloons were delivered After work we worked out, then went out to dinner, had cake and opened more presents. I felt loved that is for sure. One of my cutest gifts was a card Madeline made for me and all her friends and teachers signed it. Too fun!!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Day at grandpa's farm
I have always wished I could live on a farm. One of my college roommates grew up with cows and she would leave school to go brand cows and I was quite jealous. Due to my allergies of horses, I am afraid my dreams of living on a farm will never come to fruition, however Mark's parents own a farm so we are able to visit it (loaded up on allergy medicine with my epinephrine pen in the glove box). I got a call that it was time to brand horses, we I loaded up the kids and off we went. IT WAS AWESOME!! True farm life experience. The kids loved it (minus the cutting off of male body parts I had to explain and seeing the blood), but we couldn't stop talking about it for days. Madeline was the photographer, so here are a few shots she got.
Cassie was there too, but with Madeline as a photographer, I am not sure Cassie was too cooperative with getting her picture taken, or if Madeline refused to take one of her, because in all the 50 shots Madeline took that day, I can't find a single one of Cassie. Sibling rivalry...got to love it!!
Here are a few shots of Madeline playing soccer. She is usually the goalie, and a good one at that. I get so nervous for her when the ball is coming her way, but she does great blocking it from her goal. On this particular game, the coach allowed her to play goalie for the first half and then allowed her to play forward the second half, which she loves to do as well. She scored 4 goals. It was very fun to watch.
This little man is always there to cheer on his sisters in all they do. He wanted his picture taken too.
Cassie did track again this year for her school and I was able to watch her at her meets, but I always left my camera at home (not on purpose). I brought it o the last meet this week, but last minute one member of her relay team decided she hurt her knee too bad to run, so they couldn't run the 4 X 100 with only 3 runners. Bummer!! She rant the 4 X 100, did the long jump and the high jump this year.
Fun Family Dinner
While the kids were in town, we decided to enjoy a fun family dinner. We have been trying to eat healthier, so in other words stay away from restaurants and fast food. But, we decided it was a special occasion to have everyone together, so we went to a Japanese Steakhouse where they cook the food at your table. It is like dinner and entertainment all in one.
The volcano of onions on fire. That was a big hit!
being silly
Chase successfully using chopsticks for the first time. He LOVED the rice!
Caleb, Kacey and Reyna were in town in April for their spring break, so we were able to enjoy some time together as a family (which doesn't happen too often since they moved to CA). I thought it would be fun to update everyone with pictures, since everyone grows up and changes so quickly. Here are a few group shots. Chase, as most always was being his silly self and not wanting to participate, unless he had a "sword" in his hand of unless I would take a booty shot of him. But, here is what we got...
This is the best I got of that stinker...of course with a "sword" in his hand.
Crazy as ever, but such a smart 3 year old.
Reyna-9 years old
Playing Spring soccer
Madeline-10 years old
playing Spring soccer
Cassie-12 years old (might I add that she has now surpassed me in height)
Just finished track for her middle school
Kacey-14 (almost 15 years old)
Playing Spring football for his high school and weight training to get ready for football season
Caleb-17 years old (thinking of going on a mission after his 18th birthday in July)
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