

Thursday, December 13, 2012

phone photos

 I decided it was about time I took the photos off my phone and blogged them.  They are random shots from all over.
Cassie on her first day of 7th grade-August 2012
Madeline on her first day of 4th grade-August 2012

Chase with Grandpa Palfreyman's horse, Empress.  Riding grandpa's horse is so much fun, however due to my severe allergic reaction to horses, it is a big production to allow the kids to go.  I get a reaction just by being at the farm, so we have to drive in separate cars, wrap kids in blankets so their clothes that touch the horse doesn't touch the fabric of our seats, laundry immediately, etc.  But they LOVE it!-December 2012
 Chase on the horse-December 2012
 Chase on the ferry boat in Seattle Washington.  He loves being on the boat and feeling the air-August 2012
 I just decided to go back to my natural dark hair.  Sort of a shocker, but it grew on me pretty quickly. December 2012 
Kids in line for the rocket ship ride at Disneyland-October 2012 
 More horse time with Chase, dad and grandpa-December 2012
 Cassie getting some time on the horse-December 2012
 Isn't that the life...Chase doing all the work while the girls pose for pictures-December 2012
 Madeline's horse time-December 2012
Chase thinking its party time while getting our flat tire fixed.  What is better than popcorn, soda, a dancing dog and hanging out with mom while at a tire store.-November 2012

 Navy museum in Washington-July 2012 
 Museum-July 2012
 Goofing off at the museum-July 2012
Museum-July 2012
 Pumpkin patch petting zoo-October 2012
Pumpkin patch/corn maze-October 2012 
 Pumpkin patch/Corn Maze-October 2012

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