We had a free weekend, so we decided to take a quick camping trip to McCall, Idaho. Kacey was on a church camping trip, so we missed having him with us, but we had a good time. We drove to our camp sight on Friday night, had some dinner, went on a walk to explore the area and hung out (as typical for camping). Next morning we woke up, drove a few miles into town and had breakfast at the famous "Pancake House". The food was huge and delicious. After that we returned to camp, took it down and then headed to the lake for swimming fun. The area had a beach and docks to jump off. After a few hours there, we packed up and headed back into downtown McCall, got chicken for our beach picnic and then enjoyed a few more hours on teh beach, eating and swimming. Then it was time to pack up and head home. It was a good time and a "must do" again for next year.
The Pancake House for breakfast