We are just finishing up with Fall sports. Chase got to experience his first season of soccer. He enjoyed himself. He plays in a league where it is 3 against 3 with no goalie. He really enjoys the defensive play, so he often runs back and jumps in the goal to keep it out. It was just instinct for him to do that. I fear we may have a goalie in our future and that position stresses a mom out more than any other on the soccer field!!! I have been down that road with Madeline.
Dad and Chase
running down the field
shooting to score
Posing just before a new kick off
Madeline decided this fall to try her hand at volleyball. She did a volleyball camp this summer and fell in love with the sport. We signed her up only to learn the team did not have a coach. Before I knew what happened Mark and I were the coaches. Never having coached or played seriously, I began searching the internet to learn some skills I could teach. Needless to say, we played 5 weeks, 2 practices per week and a game every Saturday and we were the only undefeated team. it was a really fun few weeks and she reports she is ready to try out next year for the school's 7th grade team.
Here is a picture of Madeline in ready position waiting for the ball
Madeline bumping the ball over the net